These exercises are to improve how your eyes and head work together inan effort to minimize (and hopefully alleviate) symptoms of movement-related dizziness, unsteadiness and/or blurriness.
To start, type in the password provided to you, push the 'watch video' button on the video then a PLAY BAR should appear at the bottom. You can watch the video in full screen but the letter will become slightly blurry. Move your head side to side to side at the same speed of the beeps.
Rest -let your symptoms go away then perform with up/down head movements. Remember, these head movements are small (no more than 30 degrees in each direction) and you want to keep a good upright posture while performing them. Each video is 30 seconds long. Repeat these exercises 3 times.
If any of the exercises increase your symptoms and do not go away within 5 minutes of rest then do not proceed with the next exercise and let your therapist know.
VOR Exercise #1 - Slow VOR - Call Letter
Begin to move you head to the sound of the beeps (remember, no more than 30 degrees in each direction) and say aloud the LETTER that you see on the screen.
VOR Exercise #2 - Slow VOR - Call Color
Begin to move you head to the sound of the beeps (remember, no more than 30 degrees in each direction) and say aloud the COLOR OF THE LETTER that you see on the screen.
VOR Exercise #3 - Fast VOR - Call Letter
Begin to move you head to the sound of the beeps (remember, no more than 30 degrees in each direction) and say aloud the LETTER that you see on the screen.
VOR Exercise #4 - Fast VOR - Call Color
Begin to move you head to the sound of the beeps (remember, no more than 30 degrees in each direction) and say aloud the COLOR OF THE LETTER that you see on the screen.